BBRSDA Request For Proposal for PR & Communications

BBRSDA Request For Proposal for PR & Communications

BBRSDA is soliciting proposals for a domestic consumer/trade communications and public relations agency in food and food branding that will be responsible for communicating with trade and consumer media, facilitating opportunities to communicate directly with consumers and promoting the BBRSDA’s brand Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon to targeted audiences both domestic and international.

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Circle Seafoods Rescinds Proposal to BBRSDA

Circle Seafoods rescinded its Freezer Barge Proposal prior to yesterday’s BBRDSA Board meeting. This is a large and complex project that resulted in a wide variety of opinions among BBRSDA members, but fleet outreach was obviously a challenge with fishermen busy preparing for the upcoming season. While only about 6% of BBRSDA members provided written feedback on the proposal, the majority of comments we received were not supportive of BBRSDA funding the project as proposed. Comments received also generally supported the project moving forward with alternative sources of capital.

BBRSDA would like to thank Circle Seafoods for submitting this intriguing proposal and being so transparent in the fleet engagement process. We would also like to thank all our members who set aside valuable time over the past few weeks to learn about the project and submit their feedback to the BBRSDA Board of Directors. BBRSDA wishes Circle Seafoods the best as they seek investment capital from other sources, but is also happy to hear comments on the project from more of our members in coming months (before, during or after the season).

If you are an S03T permit owner, you are still welcome to send BBRSDA your feedback to, via text to 9O7.519.6993 or by calling 9O7.677.2371.

If you would like to contact Circle Seafoods personnel, they can be reached at:
Charlie Campbell - - 5O3.997.9244
Pat Glaab - - 9O7.738.2227