Call for CY2023 Proposals

We are currently accepting proposals for CY2023. If you have an idea for improving the value or other aspects of the Bristol Bay salmon fishery, please consider submitting a project proposal to BBRDSA. Visit our Project Proposal website to learn more about BBRSDA’s mission, project preferences, evaluation process, and how to submit a proposal. BBRSDA is always open to hearing ideas about ways to meet its mission, so even if you just have an idea and are not looking to submit a full-blown proposal, we encourage you to email us at info -at-   

By working together and smartly investing the fleet’s pooled resources, we can make this fishery even better! BBRSDA accepts proposals at any time, but they should ideally be submitted as far in advance of October 1st as possible to ensure consideration during our fall budgeting process. BBRSDA plans to set its CY2023 budget in mid-November, but may consider funding other projects as opportunities arise and to the extent additional funds are available.

LINK: BBRSDA Project Proposal Website