Port Moller Annual Report

The 2020 annual report for the Port Moller Test Fishery is now available here on the Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute’s website. COVID and weather presented challenges for the Port Moller Test Fishery, but BBRSI and the research crews still managed to provide critical in-season information to the fleet. The Port Moller index correctly predicted the 2020 return would be late and substantial.

BBRSDA and BBSRI have jointly funded a second Port Moller research vessel since 2018 to fish more transects and provide additional data about the run. This year, the R/V Pandalus did not operate due to mechanical problems and Port Moller would not have been possible without these efforts. Thankfully, we had the R/V Ocean Cat under contract and ready to go. The F/V Americanus was also recruited in mid-June to assist the R/V Ocean Cat.