Michael “MJ” Jackson has resigned from the BBRSDA Board of Directors. Jackson began
serving on the BBRSDA board in 2018, served as President from 2021-2022, and was selected as a 2023 National Fisherman Highliner of the Year.

“Working on issues on behalf of the Bristol Bay fleet has been an honor. What I will miss most is working along side the World-Class Staff that E.D. Andy Wink assembled. This staff truly does the heavy-lifting for the fleet and they rarely, if ever, are recognized for their efforts. I leave after 5 ½ years knowing that Board members come and go, but the consistency of staff is what provides direction and stability for the fleet. Thank you all for your votes of confidence in the past two elections, and I look forward to pursuing other opportunities to work on fishery-related issues.” - Michael “MJ” Jackson

Per BBRSDA bylaws, the board shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy for Seat E.