Easy Ways Fishermen Can Help Sell More Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon

With last year’s epic sockeye harvest, we probably have a lot of fish in the market that still needs a plate. Here are some ways fishermen and friends can help more people enjoy healthy, delicious sockeye in advance of next season:

1.     Scope out local retail stores and club stores. If they don’t have sockeye in stock, drop a comment card or suggest to the Seafood Manager that they carry sockeye. Also suggest #3 & #4 on this list as ways to source the product. You can also mention that wholesale prices are now probably more affordable than they think, since so many fish were caught last year. If they are interested in running a promotion on Bristol Bay sockeye, have them reach out to BBRSDA at lilani@bbrsda.com. We can provide a wide variety of promotional support free of charge to retailers. If they are selling sockeye, don’t forget to thank retail staff and managers for carrying it.

2.     Scope out local restaurants. Suggest they consider putting sockeye on the menu as a premium salmon offering. Also suggest #3 & #4 on this list as ways to source it.

3.     Point retailers, restaurants, friends, family, and other sockeye lovers to our Fish Finder site: find.bristolbaysockeye.org. Here, all kinds of buyers can find Bristol Bay sockeye suppliers in their area. It lists fishermen direct marketers and large retailers selling sockeye.

4.     Encourage interested wholesale buyers to fill out our Wholesale Inquiry Form. This request for product goes to our supplier list and makes it easy and efficient for wholesale buyers to get good product at a fair price.    

5.     Share the sockeye love on social media and in-real-life. Share our sockeye recipes or our salmon cooking guide. Follow and share content from our facebook and instragram pages (@bristolbaysockeyesalmon).

6.     Help people understand why frozen is a great option and to give it a chance. Frozen sockeye fillets are high-quality and convenient!

Finally, if you have other ideas for moving more sockeye, let us know by reaching out to our Marketing Director at lilani@bbrsda.com.