Nushagak Kings: Proposed Action Plan & BBRSDA Comment

The Alaska Board of Fisheries (BOF) will meet March 10-14, 2023 in Anchorage at the Egan Civic & Convention Center. Changes to Nushagak Salmon Management Plans are on the agenda, with an eye towards conserving Chinook salmon which were labeled as a stock of concern this fall after a string of poor returns.

BBRSDA has submitted a written comment in advance of this meeting (see link below). Although the deadline for written, pre-meeting comments has passed, members may consider making verbal comments at the meeting or submitting a written “record copy” comment once the meeting is under way (via BOF website).

We encourage interested members to review the links below to learn more about the BOF meeting, proposed management changes, and issues/concerns addressed in the BBRSDA comment.

March 10-14 BOF Meeting Information - LINK
Nushagak King Salmon Committee Action Plan Recommendations (2/24/23) - LINK
BBRSDA BOF Comment (submitted 2/22/23) - LINK