Your Voice Matters: Banning import of Russian origin seafood, and Inclusion of Commercial Fishing in the USDA Farm Bill

BBRSDA is looking at many different ways of addressing the price situation. While there are multiple causes contributing to the low price, one is global seafood market issues. We are asking the federal delegation to take some actions to support US fishermen, and the more fishermen constituents they hear from (you!) the stronger our voice.

The two issues we encourage you to weigh in on are:

  • Banning import of Russian origin seafood, and

  • Inclusion of Commercial Fishing in the USDA Farm Bill

Below there are:

  • Talking points to help you craft your own message

  • A letter you can adapt with your personal information (download a Word file or copy and paste)

  • Contact information for where to email your message is at the bottom of this page.


Banning Russian Origin Seafood Products from U.S. Markets Talking Points:

  • I request Congress work on banning Russian origin seafood products from being reprocessed and getting re-labeled China origin from entering US markets.

  • Allowing Russian seafood products to be sold in the U.S is harming U.S. commercial fishermen and making U.S. caught seafood products less valuable.

  • I request the committees involved in introducing the Farm Bill Reauthorization Act of 2023 prioritize the urgent needs of domestic seafood producers, who are often overlooked by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

  • The U.S. seafood sector is highly significant in terms of environmental outcomes, nutrition, cultural traditions, and job creation. U.S. fisheries are sustainable, well-managed, and have a low carbon footprint.

USDA Farm Bill Talking Points:

  • There are two legislative proposals by Alaska's Senators, Senator Sullivan’s: The National Seafood Supply Act of 2023 (S. 2208) and Senator Murkowski’s: The Improving Agriculture, Research, Cultivation, Timber, and Indigenous Commodities (ARCTIC) Act(S. 2354). I urge consideration of these proposals and the incorporation of key sections into the Farm Bill.

  • Creation of an Office of Seafood Policy and Program Integration within USDA, providing a point of entry for seafood producers into policymaking would be extremely beneficial.

  • It would be helpful if the USDA could extend loan eligibility to commercial fishermen and associated businesses, similar to support available to farmers. Processors have high volumes of inventory that are not selling. Interest rates are killing processor’s ability to market products for a higher value, therefore being forced to sell at cheap prices due to the interest rates and banks loan covenants. 

  • It is imperative to have increased availability of USDA bids during instances of seafood oversupply.  Currently, when a surplus (oversupply) occurs, it takes more than six months for USDA to react with a bid.  This delay renders the response ineffective.

  • Other agricultural sectors receive federal support, the U.S. seafood producers lack equivalent assistance. Despite federal agencies managing fisheries and ensuring safety, there’s no consistent leadership for seafood as a priority domestic commodity.

  • There are many challenges faced by the seafood industry, such as high costs and competition from global seafood producers with different standards. Missed opportunities to participate in programs harm the sector's growth and competitiveness.

DRAFT LETTER - Italicized portion should be personalized
Copy and paste from below or download a Word file HERE

Salmon Gillnet Bristol Bay, AK

 To Whom It May Concern:

I am the owner operator of salmon gillnet business in Bristol Bay. I employ 4 deckhands that work with me to catch Sockeye salmon. Have been owner of this business for X seasons and before I worked as a deckhand on other salmon fishing vessels. My back of the envelope spending each season for fuel, groceries, and related fisheries supplies is $XX,000. This money stays in my local community. To get started in this industry I had to take out a loan of $X00,000. Have been making payments and now my loan amount is down to $XX,000.

I had the best year catching salmon in terms of total pounds. Due to poor pricing offered by my processor my boat gross is greatly reduced. I understand this poor pricing is a reflection of tough current market conditions. This is going to make for a very tough offseason trying to pay bills and save enough money to pay for upfront 2024 costs.

I request Congress work on banning Russian origin seafood products from being reprocessed and getting re-labeled China origin from entering US markets.

  • Allowing Russian seafood products to be sold in the U.S is harming U.S. commercial fishermen and making U.S. caught seafood products less valuable.

  • I request the committees involved in introducing the Farm Bill Reauthorization Act of 2023 prioritize the urgent needs of domestic seafood producers, who are often overlooked by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

  • The U.S. seafood sector is highly significant in terms of environmental outcomes, nutrition, cultural traditions, and job creation. U.S. fisheries are sustainable, well-managed, and have a low carbon footprint.

There are two legislative proposals by Alaska's Senators, Senator Sullivan’s: The National Seafood Supply Act of 2023 (S. 2208) and Senator Murkowski’s: The Improving Agriculture, Research, Cultivation, Timber, and Indigenous Commodities (ARCTIC) Act (S. 2354). I urge consideration of these proposals and the incorporation of key sections into the Farm Bill.

  • Creation of an Office of Seafood Policy and Program Integration within USDA, providing a point of entry for seafood producers into policymaking would be extremely beneficial.

  • It would be helpful if the USDA could extend loan eligibility to commercial fishermen and associated businesses, similar to support available to farmers. Processors have high volumes of inventory that are not selling. Interest rates are killing processor’s ability to market products for a higher value, therefore being forced to sell at cheap prices due to the interest rates and banks loan covenants. 

  • It is imperative to have increased availability of USDA bids during instances of seafood oversupply.  Currently, when a surplus (oversupply) occurs, it takes more than six months for USDA to react with a bid.  This delay renders the response ineffective.

  • Other agricultural sectors receive federal support, the U.S. seafood producers lack equivalent assistance. Despite federal agencies managing fisheries and ensuring safety, there’s no consistent leadership for seafood as a priority domestic commodity.

  • There are many challenges faced by the seafood industry, such as high costs and competition from global seafood producers with different standards. Missed opportunities to participate in programs harm the sector's growth and competitiveness.


CONTACT INFORMATION - Where to email your comments

If you are an Alaska Resident, send your emails to:;;;    

If you are a Washington Resident, send your emails to:;;;;;    

ALSO INCLUDE, your State District Representative which you can look up by zip code here:

If you are an Oregon Resident, send your emails to:;;;;    

 ALSO INCLUDE, your State District Representative which you can look up by zip code here:

For residents of other states, use this link to find your representative and this one to find your senators contact information.