Get to Know BBRSDA's Marketing Director Lilani Dunn

BBRSDA is lucky to have Lilani Dunn at the helm of our powerful marketing program.

Lilani joined the team in March 2020 bringing a decade of experience in seafood marketing including leadership roles in food service, retail and direct sales marketing as well as public relations and philanthropic efforts.

From day one, Lilani led the Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon brand fearlessly and thoughtfully through the unpredictable market landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic. The strength of the brand and the growth of the marketing program are testaments to her leadership and savvy.

BBRSDA Program Specialist, Frances Bursch asks Lilani all things BB sockeye salmon-

FB: How long have you been with the BBRSDA & what are some of your favorite things about working for the BBRSDA?

LD: I joined the BBRSDA team March of 2020 and it's been a wild ride! Having had experience working for both ASMI and Orca Bay, I am proud to be working for the largest wild salmon fishery in the world and marketing a food that is not only delicious and good for you but sustainable. The BBRSDA is a lean team but I really enjoy being part of so many different projects and efforts and hearing directly from our fleet. Not every food marketer gets that experience from point of harvest to point of purchase and eventually to the table!

FB: What is your favorite thing to tell people about BBSS?

LD: This is a tough question since there are a lot of great things to boast about - since I studied Nutrition, I enjoy telling people about the health benefits of sockeye salmon. It's THE perfect health food. The origin story of Bristol Bay sockeye is extremely unique and a huge differentiator as well.

FB: What is your favorite way to enjoy Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon?

LD: I take the less is more approach with Bristol Bay sockeye at home. Since I have two little ones I do the Hot Honey Broiled recipe sans the "hot". Full disclosure, I prefer the tail end of sockeye and usually just salt & pepper that piece for myself to enjoy later.

FB: When you aren't working, what can we find you doing?

LD: A few years ago I would say either climbing a mountain, doing ballet, or running a race. More recently it's stopping our one-year old from climbing a bookshelf, doing the "Animal Freeze" dance in the kitchen, or running after our two-year old around Lake Washington. Needless to say our household is extremely grateful for our daycare center!

FB: If you had a F/V, what would you name it?

LD: F/V Done & Dunn