Meet Becky Machain: BBRSDA's Financial Administrator

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Becky has been working with BBRSDA since February of 2019 as the Financial Administrator. She brings a wealth of financial knowledge to the team and steadfast administrative skills that are critical to the smooth operation of the organization. Marketing Director Lilani Dunn asks Becky about her background with BBRSDA and her connection to the Bay:

LD: How long have you been with the BBRSDA & what are some of your favorite things about working for the BBRSDA?
BM: I began working with BBRSDA in February of 2019 as the Financial Administrator. I am not a fisherman but my favorite part of this position is learning about the industry and the individual stories. Even living in Idaho I have met so many harvesters out here and others who are so supportive of our wild and fresh salmon. I especially love seeing our brand in local stores and pointing it out to all of my friends and family while sharing the story of Bristol Bay habitat and resources.

LD: Favorite way to enjoy Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon.
BM: I am not the chef of the family but my husband made a honey garlic glazed salmon and it was something even my two boys and young nieces enjoyed.

LD: When you aren't working, what can we find you doing?
BM: Depending on the day of the week, I can be found playing in volleyball leagues, co-ed softball leagues, cornhole tournaments, or at my kids soccer practices and games. I also volunteer in some committees and boards for our local church and school in a finance capacity. This summer we visited California for a family wedding, flew to Michigan to visit Mackinac Island, flew to Florida for a road trip back to Idaho, and then spent a week in the mountains to get in some last-minute summer fun. Now that my kids are back in school I am ready to hibernate for the fall and winter seasons with a few painting and organizing projects in the pipeline.

LD: If you had a F/V, what would you name it?
BM: I've never thought about that before - I really enjoy clever or pun-y names but alas, I can't think of any. I'd probably just name it "Max 'n Mav" after my kids even though that's pretty boring.