Green Crew? Crew Training Pilot Program

June 7- 9 in Naknek - Spaces Open!
Three days of hands-on and lecture-based training for new deckhands with little or no previous experience covering deck skills, safety, net repair, knot tying and more.

While nothing can wholly substitute for on-the-water experience, many necessary skills can be practiced prior to the gauntlet of the fishing season- giving new deckhands the ability to hit the ground running.

Trainees will also receive instruction in fish picking & handling, safety, terminology, and boat life etiquette. Apprentices must already be employed and housed in Naknek and provide their own transportation and meals.

Anthony Vlahovich, Bristol Bay captain, deckhand, shipwright and apprentice trainer will lead this pilot program at the start of the 2021 season.

CONTACT: Frances at 907-677-2371 or for more information

Space is limited, contact Frances to reserve a spot.