Annual Industry Meeting (Recorded)

A recording of the industry meeting is available on the BBRSDA YouTube channel.

Members and the public are welcome to attend the annual Spring Industry Meeting video conference and hear from the following presenters:

9:00 Welcome & Introductions
9:05 BBRSDA Updates
-Summary of Market Conditions
-BBRSDA Program Updates
-2020 Processor Survey - Northern Economics
9:45 ADF&G Managers and Bristol Bay Regional Biologists
-2021 Forecast
-Outlook for Fishery Districts
15 minute comfort break
11:00 Bristol Bay Fisheries Collaborative & Port Moller Test Fishery Update
11:15 Fishery Enforcement Update
11:45 COVID Safety Protocols Update

Here are five files in support of ADF&Gā€™s presentations as part of the Industry Meeting.

  1. 2020 season summary

  2. 2021 outlook

  3. Nushagak sonar assessment

  4. The 4-file package in one PDF