Alaska Salmon Fishermen on a Warming Planet: Adversity, Opportunity and Transition

Join National Fisherman Thursday, February 18, 2021 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm Eastern Time (12:00-1:30 pm AKT) for this important Free Webinar


Join National Fisherman for a panel discussion that provides the latest scientific data, policy alternatives, and perspectives from commercial fishermen who are stepping up to lead the charge for climate adaptation and solutions. The panel will be moderated by Molly Mayo, a senior partner and mediator with the Meridian Institute who also co-owns a Cook Inlet setnet salmon operation.

Each panelist will share the most interesting and relevant climate observations from the last year, the policy mechanisms that they find most compelling for solutions, and offer thoughts on how fishermen, scientists and decision makers can work together to ensure that Alaska’s salmon and other commercial fisheries are prepared for the unknown changes ahead.

Read more about the panelists and register HERE.