Questions for 2022 Board Candidates

BBRSDA has three board seats up for re-election in 2022. We are excited to announce that we’re modernizing and improving our election process next year by making it possible to vote electronically on a smartphone or computer through an online portal. However, members who wish to submit paper ballots and receive a printed election packet will still have that option. Our goal is to make the board election process as easy, informative, and inclusive as possible. More details will be mailed and texted to members in January 2022, as well as posted on our website, so stay tuned for that.

In preparation for the 2022 Board election, we’d like to solicit potential questions for our voluntary candidate questionnaire which allows members to know more about candidates and their vision for BBRSDA. Below is our current set of questions, but if any members would like to suggest edits or additional questions, please email

  1. Why do you want to be a BBRSDA board member?

  2. What do you think is the most important mission for the BBRSDA and why?

  3. In your view, what are three priorities the BBRSDA should focus on and why?

  4. The BBRSDA's Strategic Plan lists specific strategies for maximizing the value of the Bristol Bay salmon fishery.  Do you believe those strategies are an effective guide for accomplishing that goal, and if not, how should they be modified?

  5. Please explain your position on the Pebble Mine project.

  6. Is there another issue that you would like to respond to?