Virtual BBRSDA Town Hall Info

BBRSDA will be hosting a Virtual Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, March 25 at 2pm (AKT).  This Town Hall is open to the public and all Bristol Bay fishermen are encouraged to attend.  Town Hall meetings, whether physical or online, are an excellent way to learn what BBRSDA is doing to maximize your investment in the fishery and provide valuable feedback to guide future activities.  This meeting will also continue important information about mitigation and response planning for the COVID-19 pandemic and a Pebble Mine update from Commercial Fishermen for Bristol Bay.  
To attend this Town Hall, simply open this link: in any web browser at 2pm (AKT) on 3/25, and accept the prompt to load the standard web conferencing software (Zoom).  You can access the web meeting through your smartphone, as well, by clicking on the link and following the onscreen prompts. Meeting participants will be able view presentation materials and ask questions. If you cannot use the meeting link, you may also call in to the meeting telephonically (without seeing visuals) by dialing 253-215-8782 or 301-715-8592 or 669-900-6833, and enter the meeting ID: 878-310-0484. If you join ahead of 2pm (AKT), please be patient and you’ll be placed into the meeting once it starts.

Virtual Town Hall Meeting Agenda: 
- BBRSDA Background, Activities, & Communication Channels
- Pebble Mine Update  
- Update on COVID-19 Response Planning

Town Hall Meeting Materials (please download or feel free to review before or after):
- 2020 Town Hall Handout
- BBRSDA 2020 Project List

A recording of the meeting will be posted online, but we highly encourage all Bristol Bay fishermen to join us for the live meeting on March 25 at 2pm AKT for some virtual socialization.