Electronic Voting for Board Seats??

BBRSDA will hold elections for three board seats this coming spring and we are considering using a secure web-based voting platform. In the past, a paper ballot was sent to the address of every permit holder and members had to mail that ballot back to a third-party contractor. We suspect that migrating to a web-based platform would reduce election costs and result in more participation, while maintaining election integrity. But we could really use your input! 


Board of Director elections are important. Our goal is to make it as easy and secure as possible to vote for who you want to guide BBRSDA going forward. Want to share any thoughts or questions on Board seat elections, or anything else? Email us at info@bbrsda.com or call 907.677.2371. 

Potential FAQs

Q: What if I do not receive the postcard with the unique key for some reason, how would I vote?
A: You could call our office to request your key, provided we can verify your identify. The easiest way to verify identity would be to call us from the number listed on your CFEC permit application, but we could also explore other options. After receiving your unique key, you could access the web-based voting platform and submit your vote. 

Q: Will BBRSDA staff or Board members know who I voted for? 
A: No, the web-based voting platform can and will keep this confidential. All we see are results verified by the vendor. 

Q: What if I want to vote but don’t have internet access? 
A: You can call our office at 907.677.2371 any weekday between 8am and 4pm AKT and after verifying your identity, a staff person can enter your vote into the online system. Your vote would not be shared with Board members or retained internally by BBRSDA. 

Q: Can I use a smartphone to vote? 
A: Yes, as long as you have access to an internet browser, you could use your smartphone to vote and view candidate information. 

Q: Will I have to create some new account and password?
A: No, our understanding is that you’d simply input your name, an email address (if you have one), phone number, and unique key. The email and phone number provides the ability to contact you if there’s any issue or concern with your vote. 

Q: Is this really secure and accurate? Couldn’t someone vote multiple times or will my info get shared with anyone? 
A: Yes, it is secure and accurate. The platform will only allow one vote per unique key. If you or your family owns multiple permits, you’ll have a unique key for each permit. BBRSDA will not share your contact info with anyone and will not have access to who you voted for.