UFA Webinar Series & Membership Drive

In an effort to migrate information you’re used to getting at the Pacific Marine Expo, United Fishermen of Alaska (UFA) has put together an excellent webinar series and it starts TODAY at 10am AKT with a Market Update from Trident and OBI executives. At noon (AKT) get the latest on Ocean Acidification.

You can view all the UFA webinars HERE and complete the easy registration link to ensure all the ones you want to see get on your calendar.

UFA is an industry association representing Alaska’s entire commercial seafood industry. UFA provides an excellent conduit to ensure legislative leaders hear and understand comfish issues, in addition to serving several other functions. You can learn more about UFA here and sign up to become a member here. Please consider renewing or signing up to be a UFA member. Being a UFA member is the easiest and most efficient way to ensure your fishery has the strongest representation.

This is the last week of UFA’s Membership Drive. While you can renew or sign up to be a UFA member anytime, you’ll get a specially-designed hoodie and UFA hat if you sign up this week.

Don’t miss BBRSDA’s Fish Expo activities starting tomorrow at www.bbrsda.com/fishexpo!