Nicholas Dowie Joins BBRSDA Sustainability Committee

BBRSDA is pleased to announce the addition of setnetter Nicholas Dowie to our Sustainability Committee.

Dowie was born and raised in Kodiak, Alaska. As a fourth generation Ekuk Beach setnet fisherman in the Nushagak District, he has migrated to Bristol Bay seasonally every year of his life. His family-based operation is composed of four permit holders, and includes his wife and two daughters. Nicholas also serves as the president of the Bristol Bay Fair Trade Fishermen’s Association and he currently serves on the ASMI Salmon Species Committee. Complementary to his fishing experience, he has advanced technical training as credited by his PhD in the natural sciences.    

Nicholas has already contributed substantially to the BBRSDA through countless hours of work on the COVID-19 Task Force to help facilitate a safe and successful outcome for the 2020 season. We are excited about his continued service, ideas and energy, and we welcome him as the first setnet fisherman to serve on BBRSDA’s Sustainability Committee.