Marine Safety Instructor Scholarships for Bristol Bay Fishermen

The Alaska Marine Safety Education Association (AMSEA) has teamed up with the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association (BBRSDA) to offer training scholarships to Bristol Bay fishermen that want to teach marine safety and cold-water survival skills. Three scholarships are available to attend AMSEA’s Marine Safety Instructor Training (MSIT) in Seward, April 23 -28, 2019. 

The scholarships cover tuition, transportation, food, and lodging. To be considered for the scholarship, you must fish commercially, be based in Dillingham or Naknek, and agree to teach at least two Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor classes in the Bristol Bay region, prior to the 2019 salmon season. BBRSDA will cover the expenses for the classes, including a teaching stipend for the instructors. Those interested in applying for the scholarship should call AMSEA at (907) 747-3287 or visit the AMSEA website at for additional information.

The MSIT is an intensive, train-the-trainer course that prepares individuals to effectively teach cold-water survival procedures, use of marine safety equipment, and vessel safety drills. Taught by experienced mariners, it provides practical, hands-on experience in survival equipment use and procedures.

Topics covered during the course include preparation for emergencies, cold-water near drowning, hypothermia, cold-water survival, survival equipment, procedures & onboard drills, risk assessment, ergonomics, and methods of instruction. Upon completion of the course, participants will be prepared to teach AMSEA’s Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor training, pending authorization from the Coast Guard. 

BBRSDA and AMSEA hope to increase opportunities for commercial fishermen to attend Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor classes in the Bristol Bay region. AMSEA’s Fishing Vessel Drill Conductor training is U.S. Coast Guard-accepted and meets the training requirements for drill conductors on commercial fishing boats, as required by federal regulation, 46 CFR 28.270(c).