One Page of Ways Setnetters will Benefit from BBRSDA Membership


The Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association is a fisherman-funded organization with the mission of maximizing the value of the fishery for its members. Currently, the drift fleet pays a 1% tax on the value of their harvest, an investment in meeting this mission. For the first time since 2006, the setnet fleet has the opportunity to join BBRSDA. Setnet permit holders will make this decision in September 2023, by voting on whether to contribute 1% of their harvest and become BBRSDA members. 

Ways BBRSDA works to improve the price of salmon for fishermen

  • Grow and promote the Bristol Bay Salmon brand as a worldwide, competitive product.

  • Provide market information – an informed fleet is more equipped to advocate for themselves and make smart business decisions.

  • Explore and support quality and market innovations that benefit the fleet. 

  • All of BBRSDA’s programs support one another for this goal. 

    • Sustainability is the backbone of our fishery’s success. 

    • Quality is critical to having a marketable and valuable product. 

    • Outreach provides opportunity for collaboration and an informed fleet. 

    • Marketing builds recognition and value for Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon in the global marketplace. 

How will the setnet fleet benefit from membership in BBRSDA?

Representation in the organization and the industry

  • The board and committees are comprised of Bristol Bay fishermen who have an important role directing the work of the organization.  When the setnet fleet votes yes to join BBRSDA, several policy changes will be automatically implemented. 

    • 2 board seats for setnetters will be added to the board of directors.

    • It will be required that one or more setnetter be on each of the five program committees.

    • A setnet committee with  setnet representatives from each district will be formed. 

  • Setnet fishery priorities will become BBRSDA’s priorities. 

  • As members, anywhere BBRSDA has a seat at the table – so will the setnet fleet. 

Funding for projects that advance the quality and market success of BB salmon

  • As members of the organization, setnetters can propose projects for funding through the committee and board processes. 

  • To ensure the setnet fleet is empowered to advance setnet-priority projects, the organization’s bylaws set aside at least 25% of the setnet assessment for projects prioritized by the setnet committee and setnet board seats. 

  • Projects such as welding and mechanical support in rural areas, ice infrastructure, or setnet-specific quality studies are examples of possibilities that setnetters have suggested. What kind of things would help your operation and the fishermen on your beach? BBRSDA can be an efficient, effective vehicle for addressing these problems. 

Strengthen the Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Brand

  • For Direct Markets: BBRSDA has robust marketing support for fishermen who sell their salmon directly to consumers including professional marketing materials and consumer exposure opportunities. 

  • For Global Markets: A 1% setnet contribution will enhance  BBRSDA’s marketing program, significantly increasing salmon promotion to consumers. 

Help chart the future of the fishery and BBRSDA 

  • BBRSDA is at the forefront of the biggest challenges our fishery has faced. The Pebble Mine, Covid, and now the price collapse. 

  • BBRSDA board and staff are representatives of the fleet working every day to find new ways to meet the mission, maximizing the value of our world-class fishery. 

  • The setnet voice is missing. We are stronger together, working toward a prosperous Bristol Bay future.  

BBRSDA is the only fleetwide organization specifically mandated to:

  • advance the quality and market-success of Bristol Bay salmon,

  • promote improvements to the commercial fishery for the benefit of its members,

  • address fishery-related infrastructure requirements in the Bristol Bay region, and

  • create research and education programs to ensure long-term success of the world’s largest and most valuable salmon fishery.

We are here for the fleet, by the fleet and we believe in the Bay. By working together – and considering the volume of fish that Bristol Bay permit-holders put in the hold every year – we’re confident that we can make steady gains in quality, infrastructure, and organization to increase the relative value of your catch. If you believe that too, we ask for your support. We hope setnetters will make the investment in the future of our fishery and our products in the market and join the drift fleet in charting the course for the organization.


DATE:                            Thursday, September 7, 2023

TIME:                             4:30 PM AK Time

LOCATION:                  Teleconference

TO JOIN:                       253-215-8782

Meeting ID: 845 0375 4007