Get to Know Executive Director Andy Wink

Andy Wink is familiar to many as he has been at the helm of the organization as Executive Director of BBRSDA since 2018. Andy’s natural leadership and background as an economist have propelled the organization to new heights during his tenure so far. BBRSDA keeps Andy very busy and we realized it had been a long time since Andy had a proper introduction or the chance for us to get to know him a little better.

BBRSDA’s Frances Bursch asks Andy about himself and connection to Bristol Bay sockeye.

FB: How did Bristol Bay or BB sockeye salmon first come into your life?

AW: I started producing a Sockeye Market Report series for BBRSDA in 2013 while working for McDowell Group. Prior to that I'd also been doing research and analysis for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, which is where I became very familiar with salmon markets and the key role Bristol Bay plays in Alaska's salmon industry. My mentor at McDowell Group was Chris McDowell, who fished in the the Bay on the F/V Sumo. Then in July 2018 I was hired by BBRSDA as the Executive Director. Prior to all that I worked for the State of Alaska as a labor economist estimating commercial fishing employment. 

FB: What has been the most rewarding part of your work with BBRSDA?

AW: Lots of things. First thing is the great people I've met in this fishery. I love getting to work with determined, resourceful people. Second, it's been really enjoyable to tell the Bristol Bay story with consumers and protect the amazing habitat which produces this fishery's unsurpassed productivity. Finally, it's so great to see and hear stories of families taking vacations, and fishermen having money to invest in boats or other ventures using the income from Bristol Bay. There's been some really good years in Bristol Bay in recent years and it's been really rewarding to see what that translates to for fishermen on a personal level. That's what attracted me to this organization and this job. It's applied economics. 

FB: Tell us a bit about yourself outside of work, when you aren't working hard for the BB fleet, what are you likely doing? 

AW: We have two children (14 and 8 years old) and two labs (Dutch & Daisy), so they keep us busy outside of work. We recently moved to Tacoma, WA from Minnesota, so we've been exploring all the area has to offer. I'm also a big baseball and football fan (SKOL Vikes!) and play in an amateur baseball league. I'm primarily a pitcher but also play infield and catcher. I really enjoyed sportfishing back when I lived in Juneau, but got spoiled and haven't done as much since then. 

FB: What is your favorite way to prepare Bristol Bay sockeye salmon?

AW: Sockeye nigiri (sushi) with a little wasabi under the fish is probably my favorite. I also make a lot of pan seared salmon for quick dinners (like this) and during the summer I really like our Balsamic Salad with Sockeye Salmon and Strawberries recipe. 

FB: What is the #1 thing you want BBRSDA members to know?

AW: This is YOUR organization. The board represents you and the staff works for the betterment of the fishery. That's our mission. So, please engage. Read our Waypoints newsletters, follow us on facebook, check out our website updates, and if you've got a great idea - send us a proposal. And #2, if you want to learn how to be more informed about market conditions, watch this video