Welcoming Aubrey McNeil to the BBRSDA Team

BBRSDA just gained a valuable new team member with the addition of Aubrey McNeil as Program Specialist. Aubrey brings a strong background in marketing and brand building, most recently working as Marketing and Brand Strategist for Wild for Salmon and Pride of Bristol Bay.

In addition to her own work raising the profile of Bristol Bay salmon, Aubrey is based in Bellingham with friends and family in the fishery. She is an admirer and advocate of the Bristol Bay fishery, the dedication of its people, and the amazing story of our salmon.

BBRSDA’s Frances Bursch asks Aubrey about her connection to her work and Bristol Bay salmon:

FB: What has been the most rewarding part of your past work marketing of BB sockeye salmon? 

AM: Seeing the excitement on someone’s face when they hear the story behind the salmon they are eating is definitely up there. It’s one thing to be able to know where your food comes from, but knowing the fishermen and their process, the incredible fishery management, and the specific reasons why Bristol Bay sockeye is unlike any other salmon on the planet - I think it really changes everything for the consumer.

There’s an extra layer of authenticity and connection that forms between them and the brand once they hear about the behind-the-scenes and our “why”. It’s always fun to be a part of those moments.

FB: What is your favorite way to prepare Bristol Bay sockeye salmon?

While I always appreciate a quick weeknight fillet sprinkled with Rub With Love, I am quite smitten with my partner's mother's recipe for Sockeye Sliders. They are similar to Susie Jenkins-Brito's Boatyard Salmon Burgers, but we add in some feta crumbles and create our own tartar sauce to smother over them before placing on a bun. Delicious!

FB: Tell is a bit about yourself outside of work, what are you doing when you aren’t sharing the Bristol Bay story with the world?

Outside the regular workday, I’m most likely exploring the outdoors or looking for my next international adventure. Living in the pacific northwest, I’m fortunate to have a number of outdoor hobbies; hiking, kayaking, fly fishing, backpacking, etc. I'm involved in a nonprofit that creates welcoming recreation for all women, which is something I've become really passionate about through my time exploring the PNW. I’m also a huge fan of traveling to experience new landscapes and cultures, so I'm always excited to hear about other people's travel plans!

Welcome, Aubrey!