Webinar: BBRSDA Freezer Barge Proposal

BBRSDA is hosting a webinar for members regarding a proposed $15 million project and is seeking member feedback before proceeding. BBRSDA has sought out this proposal in response to the many comments and concerns raised by BBRSDA members in recent years.  

  • Date: Thursday, May 26, 2022

  • Time: 9am AKT (10am PT) - expected to last roughly 60-90 minutes.

  • Access Details:
    Detail have been emailed to our member list, but if you did not receive it please email Frances Bursch (frances -at- bbrsda.com) or call 907.677.2371

This is a significant project, which would require BBRSDA to invest much of its reserves and take on long-term debt, but also has potential to bring many benefits to the fishery, such as: 

  • a real-world, transparent model for reducing costs & improving fish quality, thus providing for a more valuable fishery in years to come

  • additional processing capacity & reduction in foregone harvest

  • market transparency & profit-sharing for fishermen

  • market development with direct benefits to BBRSDA members

  • supplemental income streams for BBRSDA (which could eventually reduce/replace the 1% assessment)

This webinar will provide a presentation about the proposed project, and its expected benefits, costs, and risks, as well as provide a chance for discussion. Members are encouraged to attend the webinar even if it means just calling in. 

We realize the timing of this webinar is not ideal, but if the Freezer Barge is to be operational for the 2023 season, we must make a decision soon (preferably by the June 7 Board Meeting date). We are working on lining up venues where fishermen already in the Bay can attend the webinar with video access and participate in discussion. Details on those venues will be forthcoming and posted to www.bbrsda.com. This webinar is open to BBRSDA members only.