Support Fishery Safety: Take this Survey

Hello, my name is Anna Mounsey and I am a graduate student at the University of Washington. I have worked as a deckhand for the past 5 years in Bristol Bay, and 7 years total in Alaska salmon fisheries.

My Masters project will describe risk perception and situational risk during the Bristol Bay drift gillnet fishery. I hope to use my unique experiences to gain more insight into the fishery which currently has limited research. This work is funded by the Future Rivers program at the University of Washington as part of a NSF National Research Traineeship award and is also supported by Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association. I will be presenting my research from this survey data in May of 2022 and hope to work with agencies to improve upon commercial fishing safety in the future.

I will be gathering surveys from fishermen before and after the season, and will have some swag for those who complete the survey. However, it would be great if fishermen could fill out the survey online using the links below, depending upon what best describes your role in the Bristol Bay drift gillnet fishery:

