Alaska seafood representatives put forth a proposal for a Section 32 purchase of sockeye salmon by the USDA back in September 2022. This proposal was well received by USDA, but the department has not yet put the purchase out for bid. With the record 2022 harvest creating a surplus of frozen and canned product, this government purchase is very important to converting this surplus inventory into food aid for people in need.

BBRSDA members, particularly those from Washington or Oregon, may contact their U.S. Senators in an effort to expedite this USDA purchase. The sooner the better. A form letter has been provided below for your convenience. You may simply copy and paste the text into a contact form on your Senator’s webpage.

To contact your Senator, visit THIS WEBSITE. Select your state of residence. On the next screen, click the CONTACT link under each Senator and you’ll be directed to a contact form for that Senator’s website where you can paste in your letter and submit it to their staff. Don’t forget to insert your name into the bottom of the letter.


Dear Senator,

I am writing you today to ask for your assistance in encouraging the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) to expedite the seafood industry’s Section 32 requests for Sockeye Salmon bid invitations.

In 2022, Alaska experienced the largest sockeye salmon harvest on record. This harvest came on top of an existing inventory surplus from 2021, a harvest which itself ranked in the top 10% of all time. This has resulted in an overabundance of canned and frozen sockeye salmon, which to date has only partially been sold, restricting my ability to confidently get ready the upcoming season, which is also predicted to be larger than the long term average. This issue is of urgent concern as we are readying our boats and gear, in preparation for the upcoming salmon harvest. This issue directly affects over 2,000 American fishing businesses that operate in Alaska, and who reside in more than 45 states around the U.S.

With your encouragement to the Secretary of Agriculture to implement these purchases that have been forwarded to his office for implementation from the AMS analysts, we can begin to overcome barriers our industry has faced over the last few years due to COVID-19 restrictions, trade barriers caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war, as well as supply chain disruptions.

A proposal to the USDA was submitted in September 2022 for a substantial purchase of frozen and canned sockeye which was well received, but AMS has yet to execute the solicitations. 

We respectively ask that you urge the USDA to expedite its sockeye salmon bid invitation.


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