BBRSDA Board of Directors - 2024 Election
Candidate Petition of Support
The Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association (BBRSDA) has opened a call for board candidate nominations for two (2) board seats. In order to become nominated as a candidate for a board seat, a BBRSDA member must collect a Petition of Support from at least five (5) fellow BBRSDA members (i.e. active S03T permit owners as of 12/31/23). Complete instructions for nominating a board candidate have been mailed to each BBRSDA member and are also available on BBRSDA’s website at This template may serve as a Petition of Support for board seat nominees, but nominees may also develop their own Petition of Support provided the document contains the following: a statement affirming the named member supports the nominee for a seat or position on the BBRSDA Board of Directors, the name of the nominee, signers name, signature, and S03T permit number of the member endorsing the nominee.
Directions for Submitting Petitions of Support as a Word document:
If you fill out and submit your petition of support in the form above, you do not need to also fill out a Word document version. We are simply offering a Word template as an option. Please follow the steps below if you choose to submit your Petition of Support as a Word document.
Click here for the word document petition of support.
Fill in the required information.
E-mail Petition of Support to These are due no later than February 15, 2024 for the candidate to be considered. You will be notified when your document is received.
BBRSDA will verify names and numbers provided on petitions of support to ensure they are indeed current members.
Thank you very much for your interest in being on the BBRSDA’s Board of Directors.
Questions? Please email BBRSDA at